You Are The Guardian Of Your Life, On Being The You-est You

In this episode of heartbeat, Dr. Brooke Stuart dives into a discussion on being the you-est you and how you are the guardian of your life. As we experience how capable we truly are and we shine a light on everything which we fear, we can begin to fear our experiences less because we can put them on the table, see them, work with them and move through them with increased grace and ease. The more you deepen into honoring yourself, the more your energy can work for and with you as you continue the conversation with the process, based on a growth orientation that can heal.

  • Structural Integrity: In learning how to become and be ourselves, it serves to create the parameters and understand the conditions that create an environment predicated on safety so that we can learn to step in with trust and open up accordingly. This structural integrity allows us to explore feelings and think through thought forms with safety and deepened sense of peace which often yields understanding and click through moments.
  • Stop Minimizing Yourself: When you notice how, where, what and why you diminish parts of yourselves, call that part to the surface to acknowledge and be with it. Bringing it into the light of day, liberates its potential and allows it to detoxify and cleanse as a full and enlightened extension of you.
  • Who You Are: You are worth getting to know. You are worth building a relationship with. You are a sovereign source of light that you can show up for and receive from. Acknowledging yourself as the creator of your life by connecting to your power to choose choices- how you perceive, interact with and interpret the world along with the practical- allows for more power to come forth and new modes of being to emerge.
  • Being Yourself: Being yourself is more often than not about letting go of that which is not a match. You don’t have to try or add to when you are. By being yourself you can connect to the gifts and talents and idiosyncrasies that are already there- no need to make up for what already is. In letting go of that which does not match, you allow for what does to enter.
  • Receiving From Your Life Experiences: It can be hard to receive when we block or push experiences away. We often learn this pattern as a way to protect the self from manipulation, control and coercion- for good reason- but what if we learned how to receive from ourselves and our lives and built circuits of trust by taking ownership and becoming accountable for our creations? Self-Trust starts with Self-Ownership. Without choosing to become accountable and taking full ownership, trust will always be elusive and just out of reach. The system cannot trust what is not accounted for. In the process of becoming you and experiencing the depths of who you are, many new and difficult conversations will be had. You will go places that you hid from yourself, yet in this, in the shadows, lies your freedom and a direct access to your life.

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More Resources

Check out our Mind Body Reset right here. This 6 week course is where you will have the opportunity to send your mind and body an empowering, new message of safety and peace through your presence and the same mindset, diet, lifestyle techniques and holistic therapies that I use in my private practice- as you establish a new baseline for your health and well-being and build a relationship with it based on the truth about healing.

For more information, support and a tried and true springboard that can help you address the fundamentals and unlock your power to heal, make sure to schedule a free holistic consultation and check out! To learn more about holistic healthcare and working with Dr. Brooke in private practice, check here.