New Way To Set Boundaries
In this episode of heartbeat, Dr. Brooke Stuart dives into a discussion on a new way to set boundaries in a place of love and expansion versus confinement and contraction. Health, joy, peace, love, and the variety of expansive states that come about through honoring our true nature and choosing choices in alignment with these principles provide an increasingly buffered boundary through the toroidal field. Saying no can a often be a saying yes to yourself- Are you delaying the inevitable by consenting to actions and forms of communication that don’t serve you vs. that which reflects who and what you truly are?
- Honor Yourself: When you put yourself first and choose choices from a place of expansion and growth, you set a natural boundary.
- Beyond Fear: Instead of warring with fear, we can focus on health and growth- in this, ego-defense and a need to protect begins to fall off and dissolve in the midst of the energies of love and reverence.
- Expansion: When we expand, we become free to be in a way that is more in tune with our true nature. It takes time to acclimate to the light but once we do, we can learn a new way to be in its presence- as we continue the process of forever shifting and going deeper into a relationship with who, what and where we are.
- Understanding The Process: When I say no what am I saying yes to? Exploring your decisions and digging deep into your process will assist you in embracing and trusting it, and in it, yourself. The process is built to continuously lead you home to you.
- Light: Light dispels darkness, and when you begin to see the energy of your choices and look objectively at your choices themselves- you will be able to see patterns and constellations that you can then begin to develop and or remove according to your free will. You are the power and the authority of your life, and in owning this you can bring light to the process of continuation- activation- and embodiment- over and over and over again. Spiral up my friends!
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More Resources
- For more on this topic, check here- Boundaries, When Saying No Is Saying Yes To Yourself.
- Dive into a discussion On Social Media, Mindfulness and Breaking Addictive Patterns.
- Here is an interesting study, The Rat Park Study: On Addiction & the Power of Community to Heal.
- On choosing choices that invest in you, here is an article on High Vibes, On Keeping Your Vibration High.
- Check out our free Healthy Orlando Guide!
Check out our Mind Body Reset right here. This 6 week course is where you will have the opportunity to send your mind and body an empowering, new message of safety and peace through your presence and the same mindset, diet, lifestyle techniques and holistic therapies that I use in my private practice- as you establish a new baseline for your health and well-being and build a relationship with it based on the truth about healing.
For more information, support and a tried and true springboard that can help you address the fundamentals and unlock your power to heal, make sure to schedule a free holistic consultation and check out! To learn more about holistic healthcare and working with Dr. Brooke in private practice, check here.
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