What I Eat In A Day

In this episode of heartbeat, we dive into a discussion on some quick thoughts about food and dietary templates. Having a plan in place (such as eating a paleo-based diet) can help you be more mindful of what you’re eating so that you can meet your health and fitness goals. It is important to note that this “What I Eat In A Day” video is not intended to be a hard rule for telling you what you should and should not eat- I just wanted to share quick thoughts on this subject and hope to offer some inspiration to aid in building your own dietary philosophy and meal planning!

  • Learning The Language of Your Body: I recently heard Dr. Kelly Brogan say on the Mikhaila Peterson Podcast that you symptoms are you telling you about you. Here, from this space of self-ownership, we can begin to tap into the underlying meaning of what is present. For example, cravings can be an annoying symptom to suppress, or when taken into consideration, they can help us uncover a buried feeling, nutrient deficiency or tailor our diet to guide us to higher qualities of health.
  • Eat Whole Foods: Foods hold information, and when we take the time to eat foods that are rich in vitality, this intelligence and wisdom can become available to us.
  • Reflect: Taking the time and space to learn, love learning, appreciate what is and rework what is not working with an understanding of why, can help to integrate lessons leading to even more momentum and change. You can facilitate this with a journal, like in our Mind Body Reset, with the heart based practice in our Free Membership or with another meditation team built to help you review with presence. Here, you can begin to create your own diet philosophy and choose with the inherent wisdom embedded with you.
  • Mind Body Reset: To establish a new baseline and step up your game, I invite you to join the LG&G® Mind Body Reset, a 6 week guided program, built to help you learn the language of your mind and body, clear the slate, and start fresh!

Not sure where to begin? Check out our Mind Body Reset right here. Use code: LETSGROW for $100 off!

More Resources

  • For an article all about diet philosophy and finding what works for you, check here.
  • For a beginner’s guide to meal prep and options for meal delivery services, check our article here.
  • For an article about fast food options that are quick and healthy, check here-we also provide a list of appliances to make quick meals!
  • For more information, support and a tried and true springboard that can help you address the fundamentals and unlock your power to heal, make sure to schedule a free holistic consultation and check out letgoandgrow.com! To learn more about holistic healthcare and working with Dr. Brooke in private practice, check here.