Connection As a Channel of Change

In this episode of heartbeat, Dr. Brooke Stuart dives into a discussion at the UCF Exchange on connection as a channel of change. By getting introspective, becoming aware and choosing to connect, you give yourself the opportunity to look at, learn from, let go of and grow through the challenges you face- to essentially set yourself free. As you address issues, remove obstacles and break down walls, you begin to heal and the process begins to work for you as more and more light comes in!

  • Connect, Connect, Connect: Because the go-to is to disconnect, we can establish a channel of change by turning into and rerouting our path through the choice to plug in and connect.
  • We Didn’t Come Into This Life To Judge Ourselves: We came into this life to be ourselves- to be able to observe our experiences, listen to and learn from them.
  • When We See Judgment: We can meet it with observation, compassion and understanding. What we believe in is what takes hold.
  • Accountability: Taking full and complete ownership of our experiences, without blame, allows them to come full circle as we engage in empowering forms of conversation and inquiry.
  • Thinking Things Through: By giving ourselves permission to think things through, we can explore new terrain and territory with others and within the self. Here, we can become ever more clear on how our voice sounds and what could work in the context of our lives as we naturally move forward.

Not sure where to begin? Sign up for a Free Let Go and Grow® Membership with instant access to the heart based practice, a simple 3 min. meditation and a wellness workshop designed to optimize mental health and well-being, sign up right here- no strings attached!

Have a question, thoughts or notes you want to add? Check out our Let Go & Grow Forums right here, where we can discuss any topic freely with our community. It is completely free to participate and we would love to start some new conversations together!

More Resources

Check out our Mind Body Reset right here. This 6 week course is where you will have the opportunity to send your mind and body an empowering, new message of safety and peace through your presence and the same mindset, diet, lifestyle techniques and holistic therapies that I use in my private practice- as you establish a new baseline for your health and well-being and build a relationship with it based on the truth about healing.

For more information, support and a tried and true springboard that can help you address the fundamentals and unlock your power to heal, make sure to schedule a free holistic consultation and check out! To learn more about holistic healthcare and working with Dr. Brooke in private practice, check here.