The Differences Between Mindfulness and Meditation

By |2020-10-12T16:20:55-04:00October 12th, 2020|

Mindfulness allows you to be fully aware of something while meditation allows you to be aware of absolutely nothing. It is very common for mindfulness and meditation to be used interchangeably. Although, this should not be the case. Mindfulness is a form of meditation, but meditation is not a form of mindfulness. Meditation Meditation feels [...]

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How to Heal from a Breakup

By |2020-09-26T17:45:52-04:00September 17th, 2018|

How Can One Heal From A Breakup? In this article, we go over exactly how to heal from a breakup- step by step- addressing both mind and body, heart and life- all through you and your power of choice. It is possible and with the right tools, it is inevitable. In my practice, I've found [...]

Who, What & Where You Are

By |2018-01-20T21:56:23-05:00January 20th, 2018|

Remembering who, what and where you are are three fundamental principles to the healing process that can simultaneously reset and realign you in an instant. Many of my patients feel lost in the quest for this information until I remind them, just as I was once reminded. So who, what and where are you? Who You [...]