In this segment on WKMG channel 6 news, Dr. Brooke Stuart talks all about spring, growth, holistic healing and how to shift from a negative to a positive state. For the full segment, you can check out the video above! 

Spring is officially in the air, here, in the northern hemisphere. Across cultures, spring represents creation, vitality, growth and development. Think green, blooms, enthusiasm, strength, vision, new beginnings and life. It’s the season where less is more- cue spring cleaning, where we have the opportunity to let go of the old and make room for the new. 

Throughout the segment we discuss how to let go and grow in this seasonal way by diving into the following topics:

  • choose growth: through returning to the present moment and setting your future free
  • detox your perspective: by catching what isn’t working and appreciating what is
  • focus on what you can do: clean out your closet, donate clothes you haven’t worn, plant a vegetable, go for a bike ride, walk on the beach
  • open up to what’s possible: optimism in practice, how optimism is practical
  • lighten up: celebrate your your success- big or small, you can be on your own team, cultivate gratitude and grow the good- even if that means uprooting the obstacles

Additional Resources

For more holistic information, community support and a tried and true springboard that can help you address the fundamentals and unlock your power to heal, feel free to check out the Let Go & Grow program. We would love to have you in there! This is the exact process I teach my patients and apply in my own life, and have seen time and time again become a catalyst for radiant health, freedom and a life lived true to you.