It’s Just One Moment [Community Based Meditation – April 25, 2021]
The It’s Just One Moment at “It’s Just Yoga” Festival in Orlando, Florida is guided by Dr. Brooke Stuart, founder of Let Go & Grow® International and it is a meditation all about gathering together, being in community and waking up to each other through the power that lies within. One Moment is your reminder to reconnect, reset and remember who, what and where you are- leaving you with a simple 3 min. heart-based practice that you can recall anytime, anywhere and activate right away to reenter into that one moment for the better. If you are reading this right now, feel free to take a moment to place your hands over your heart and engage in this sequence. Here, in just one moment, you can reconnect to your heartbeat, reset by returning to the present moment and remember who, what and where you are.
Here are the steps.
- RECONNECT: Place both hands over your heart and feel your heartbeat. Inhale and exhale through your heart.
- RESET: Intentionally, return home to the present moment, where you belong. Allow yourself to observe what comes up with your conscious awareness and loving attention.
- REMEMBER: Remind yourself of who, what and where you are. From here, you can reenter any moment realigned, recommitted and renewed.
Here, you can release any tension, acknowledge what is, and allow for an empowered pattern to emerge, as you reenter the moment, reminded, with a new kind of lightness and freedom. Dr. Brooke Stuart recommends working with this meditation exercise for 3 minutes a day and as needed- as she has found it to be one of the most direct ways to go within, self regulate the system and heal- providing a tool to interrupt the old, integrate the new, and rewire the nervous system through a signal of safety that you can send to yourself any time, anywhere- a signal that says, “I’ve got this. I’m capable, and I can not only meet each challenge with power and authority but see it as an opportunity for growth and development.”
As we move forward, we can allow the heart based practice to help build a foundation that allows us to:
- Put Ourselves First: Acknowledging who, what and where we are- as we learn a practice that enables us to go within, self regulate and come into contact with our power
- Explore: As we try on new perspectives and come into contact with alternative forms of medicine that we can access anytime, anywhere through the power of choice- shifting perception, interpretation and interaction with life experiences
- Experience A Natural Shift: From a state of division to connection, judgment to observation, fear to love, reaction to response, resistance to resilience, etc.
- Discover Our Own Heartbeat: Encounter a bypassing of the mind and its antics through discipline and appreciating the beauty of something so simple yet profound, our own heartbeat- inner resource, compass- holding both the map and the direction.
- Interrupt Distractions: This practice can allow patterns to be interrupted directly and a reflection to take place, as we begin to reform and heal the relationship we have with our bodies, minds, hearts, lives and most importantly, our selves- allowing us to opt out of old, outdated patterns and choose anew.
You may also use this space as a reminder, to quiet the system, set an intention, engage in a specific exercise, ask solution-oriented questions, have a conversation with God and in all kinds of other creative ways. This time is yours. It’s important to note, that the first step is by far the most important. From there, you can get creative about how you use this practice within the context of your life and healing journey. It is also important to be consistent, committed, and above all, present- because like any practice, it won’t work without you!
If you have tried the heart based practice, we would love to hear from you!
- How was your experience with this exercise?
- Do you feel more connected and at peace after this meditation?
- Did you notice any immediate shifts or changes?
- Did anything come up- notable feelings, thoughts, visions?
Not sure where to begin? You can sign up for a Free Let Go & Grow® Membership to receive instant access to the heart based practice meditation and our signature wellness workshop designed to optimize mental health and well-being. Within this free membership, you will also find many additional free resources and tools to help along your journey. No strings attached!
More Resources
- To learn about different meditation methods, please check this article here.
- Learn about 3:01, reaching in to create the space for transformation to unfold right here.
- Sign up for a Free Let Go & Grow® Membership to receive instant access to the heart based practice and our signature wellness workshop designed to optimize mental health and well-being.
- For more information, support and a tried and true springboard that can help you address the fundamentals and unlock your power to heal, make sure to schedule a free holistic consultation and check out! To learn more about holistic healthcare and working with Dr. Brooke in private practice, check here.
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