This article, where Dr. Brooke Stuart was interviewed by Orlando Voyager, was published May 2021. You can check out the article right here on Orlando Voyager’s website- along with many other amazing featured interviews with individuals located in Orlando, Florida! 

Today we’d like to introduce you to Brooke Stuart.

Hi Dr. Stuart, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
My name is Brooke Stuart, and I am a holistic doctor in private practice as well as the founder of Let Go & Grow- where we are working to create the most direct and approachable way to experience growth in the world through our own products, services and collaborative efforts. Our intention is to curate and highlight the best to assist our community in living the life they are here to live and experiencing the power they are meant to have.

I have always been interested and intrigued by unusual things, and while I was playing golf as a college athlete at the University of Miami, trying to improve my game, I spent most of my time on the putting green listening to countless self-help and sports psychology related audiobooks. It wasn’t until the end of my sophomore year that I realized I was far more interested in the self-help and psychology books than the game of golf itself or the business school I was enrolled in. So, I decided to drop the game and switch up my studies to pursue a dual major in both Anthropology and Psychology.

The Anthropology department was like a dream come true to me. The teachers told stories of their travels and experiences around the world, and I was able to learn about the inner workings of culture, and how societal beliefs were able to influence individuals and manifest into reality. While in the Psychology department, I learned how individuals were influenced by their culture and how their overall perception, thoughts, and feelings influenced their choices, physiology and life experiences. It was the intricate interconnectedness of the individual and the environment in which they lived that I found so interesting.

I continued to gather, learn and absorb information out of pure curiosity and furthermore to address my own issues that surface. Throughout this time period, I was able to get off my ADHD medication, multiple acne drugs, and birth control pills leaving me drug-free and in better health than ever!

When I graduated from the University of Miami, I knew I wanted to pursue a career that incorporated this holistic approach that I could no longer separate myself from. I considered getting my PhD in Anthropology and Psychology, but every program I looked into didn’t feel right. Plus, I wanted to work with people directly and apply what I had learned. Then, at the very last second just before the spring admissions deadline, my mentor suggested that I look into The Florida College of Integrative Medicine and that felt right.

I now spend my time researching, writing, speaking and my favorite, working with patients, teams and organizations around the world each day, helping the men and women I work with finally experience what it is to have the type of freedom and health within their bodies, minds, hearts and lives as a whole that comes with growth and true movement forward.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Has it been a smooth road? Definitely not! And I would not want it any other way. From health challenges to entrepreneurship, I have come to hold unconditional gratitude for each and every life experience- seeing challenges and opportunities as one in the same. With health, in business and in every part of life, there are inevitable highs and lows that exist as a part of the spectrum. Each one of them, whether a broken heart, a series of panic attacks, or learning to navigate a start-up, has held value that I have learned to appreciate as a part of going deeper within myself and in working with my patients.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Dr. Brooke Stuart?
My specialty lies in the approach I take as a functional medicine doctor, the journey of the consultation, and the transformation my patients experience within the framework of holistic counseling and functional medicine. Although I am confident in working with a variety of people, issues, and conditions because I see the whole person as one, I have extensive experience and training in helping women, teens, and professional athletes reach their health goals.

What matters most to you? Why?
I love people! People matter the most to me, and if I can impact them positively and leave the world in a better place than I found it- I would like to do just that. In this way, for this reason, I have found the methods held within Let Go & Grow, built to support health and growth, to be a direct way to facilitate this love through purpose with passion.

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