Welcome to heartbeat, our 5 topic newsletter the life of the Let Go & Grow Community! I am so happy you are here.
Here, you will continue to receive direct messages, practical tips and all of my favorite recommendations on all things health x growth- straight to your inbox every Sunday.
To keep it simple, I will only choose 5. 5 carefully curated recommendations and resources that can directly impact your health, well-being and whole life experience.
Think session notes, new exercises, supplements, health gadgets, podcasts, books, recipes and more.
So let’s get started shall we?.. with 5.

1. Session Note From The Week
When vulnerable, like in a time of crisis, it becomes increasingly important to make choices in alignment with your best interest. Now is not the time to binge eat and become intentionally apathetic or resigned. Of course, we may go through waves- but through shifting your perspective towards health and feeling through your feelings by connecting vs. getting caught up in them, you can clear the way for more empowered experiences to come along. For some people, making choices in your best interest could mean taking the time to actively shift perception and empower the mind with a good book or podcast, for others it could mean creating a schedule or cleaning up your environment, committing to a daily work out routine, going to sleep early, changing up your diet or cutting alcohol completely to avoid an additional layer of anxiety and emotional distress- whatever keeps you calm and clear, do that.
If you need additional support on this, make sure to check out the LG&G Tool Kit, where you will also receive access to a private FB group for community support.
All of my patients also receive access to the LG&G Tool Kit and community, so if you are interested in coming on board, feel free to book a free consult here. We are now welcoming new patients into our telemedicine practice.
2. Resource
Today, I’m beginning the 7 Day Mind Body Reset once again! Feel free to join me right here.
Throughout the reset we will:
Mind Body Reset Day #1: Set a Powerful Intention
Mind Body Reset Day #2: Choose to Go Within
Mind Body Reset Day #3: Work with Your Mind & Body
Mind Body Reset Day #4: Evaluate Your Diet
Mind Body Reset Day #5: Detoxify Your System
Mind Body Reset Day #6: Live in Alignment
Mind Body Reset Day #7: Write Your Transformation Story
April already seems like a fresh month- let’s plan on making the most of it together.
3. Grow Local Love
If you are in the Orlando area, needing quick supplements or health food- make sure to check out Chamberlin’s for your natural needs. If you are outside of the Orlando area, Chamberlin’s is a small health food grocer- and you may want to look into the ones that may be available in your area to have as a resource.
It also may be a good time to look into new bike and walking trails around you for some movement and vitamin D. I found this list of ideas from Orange Cycle for Orlando area residents.
4. Beyond Ramen
Today I wanted to share a simple tip the Whole Foods grocer shared with me, and three very basic recipes!
The grocer told me to make sure your fridge is set under 41 degrees, ideally 36-37- everything will stay fresher right around that temperature!
3 simple pan recipes
Steak: I personally like ribeye because of the marbling and added fat- so if you buy ribeye, make sure to get one that is highly marbled, set out to room temperature add the Borsari orginal spice blend to each side to lock the moisture in with the salt content and to set the flavor, add 2 tbsp. of ghee into the pan on medium heat, add the ribeye in and time for 2-4 minutes on each side depending how deeply you would like to cook it- I use a timer to make it perfect! The key is the crispy crust.
Shrimp: buy the biggest shrimp you can find, remove the shrimp shells, add 2 tbsp. of ghee into the pan on medium heat, add lemon, garlic and the Borsari orange ginger spice blend, cook for about 2-3 minutes on each side until crispy!
Chicken: add 2 tbsp. of ghee into the pan on medium heat, then chicken breast, and Borsari cracked pepper spice, cook for about 4 minutes on each side, check and add time if needed.
5. Healthy Tip
GI Synergy by Apex Energetics is my favorite anti viral, anti bacterial, anti fungal and parasitic formula. This formula could be a perfect fit if you are experiencing GI issues or feeling vulnerable to the coronavirus. For all of my recommendations and 15% off of the highest quality products- from a variety of different brands, make sure to sign up for my Fullscript supplement dispensary and check out the immune support section for my most up to date recommendations. GI Synergy by Apex Energetic can also be found under the immune support section.
You can book a free 20 min. holistic consultation right here, where we can dive into what is coming up and work to put a plan in place from there.
Finally, if you have a question, a specific interest or would like to reach out and share your favorite point, feel free to tag me on Instagram @drbrookestuart with the hashtag #letgoandgrow:[ex: @drbrookestuart #letgoandgrow]
so that I can offer a solution, re share your experience and create more content relevant to you.
Through heartbeat, I will continue to share popular favorites and bring the best of what I learn and teach each week to this community.
This newsletter is a living, breathing thread, meant to be an ongoing dialogue and an experiential journey- intentionally created to be a gift each week, and I will always honor you and treat it that way.
If you love heartbeat and would like to share it with a friend, feel free to send them this link.
Here’s to growth!
P.S. If you haven’t already connected through Instagram and Facebook
For more information, support and a tried and true springboard that can help you address the fundamentals and experience the power you are meant to have, make sure to schedule a free consult and check out the Let Go & Grow Tool Kit, which is paired with a private LG&G Facebook Group for community support. We would love to have you in there! This is the exact process I teach my patients and apply in my own life, and have seen time and time again become a catalyst for radiant health, freedom and a life lived true to you.
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning that our company may receive a commission on the recommendations, at no additional cost to you. We mention these products and services because we believe that they can be helpful and promise to only recommend products or services that align with our core values.